No matter how many singles complain about the challenges of modern-day dating, one thing is clear: No matter who you are or where you are from, there are more ways now than there have ever been for you to find and maintain your next great relationship.
As a dating and relationship expert with ten years of experience in matchmaking and coaching singles to find their “happily ever after,” I can state with confidence that some ways of finding potential suitors are far better than others. If you are sick of meeting drunk strangers at bars and evaluating endless online dating profiles, keep reading. For many, mobile dating apps are an increasingly popular way to make love connections. With an endless array of apps out there, it can be difficult to determine which one is worth a download, let alone which is the one that can help you find The One. Allow me to suggest a new app for you. Hint: It’s not Tinder. The app I'd most recommend is Hashsnap and it’s been getting a lot of attention lately, as it is truly unique. Here are three ways Hashsnap can help you find love: Hashsnap puts you in the right frame of mind for finding love. Some say you find love when you stop looking for it. I say that you find love when you start having fun looking for it. Unfortunately, most singles today hate the process of dating and get exhausted by all the endless texting and efforts they must make to even just get on a real date. With Hashsnap, the vibe is fun from the minute you download it. By uploading pictures and videos that correspond with the hashtags #HavingFun, #HiddenTalent, #Yummy, #FitnessTime, #MillionDollarSmile, and #DayMaker, singles are approaching finding love in a lighthearted and fun way that is likely to get results. Using Hashsnap is less anxiety-inducing than other dating apps. Modern-day singles constantly worry about how they come across when texting a potential partner. Both men and women stress about how to start the conversation and respond to text. They routinely re-read messages and even send screenshots to their ten closest friends, asking for advice on how to respond. What a waste of time and energy! With Hashsnap, you could be quickly connecting with a special someone instead of worrying about your opening line, if the person you like understands the tone of your message, or if your friend just gave you really bad dating advice. Judging by some of the cliché and downright awful messages I have seen exchanged on dating apps, there must be a lot of friends out there who are giving really bad dating advice. Hashsnap facilitates authenticity--which is a prerequisite for a healthy relationship. In my experience, I have found that one reason so many people stay single despite using dating apps is that they’re not using the apps to express their true selves. If you can't show your true self to someone else, you can’t establish or maintain a healthy relationship. Hashsnap allows users to express who they really are by uploading photos and videos only using the app’s camera and camera filters. For instance, if you are looking for a partner who is into fitness, you can see photos that people have taken at the gym *today* and posted under #FitnessTime, as opposed to photos they took five years and fifty pounds lighter ago and posted on their online dating profile. If singles could just be who they are upfront, it would be a lot faster and easier to find a healthy relationship. So many relationships would flourish for both men and women if they were to use this app to put them in the right mindset for love, lessen their fears, and help them to be authentic. If you think these things come naturally to today's singles, think again. We could all use a little help in these areas--just like we could all use a little bit more love in our lives.
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