As the year comes to an end, I am reflecting back on what I have experienced both personally and professionally. While I could tell you all about my alternative medicines, gluten-free everything, and adventures and misadventures in business and love, I'll close off 2019 with one piece of relationship advice for you.
If I could only offer you one nugget of wisdom of creating a beautiful, new beginning for your love life for the next year and decade to come, it would be this..... Make a real, strong effort to do all those things that you know- deep down-that you must do to achieve your desired outcome in the romance department. Do those uncomfortable things that could propel your forward to meet the right potential partners or strengthen the relationship that you already have. Just do them. Stop procrastinating! It is 2020 for God's sake! Do them now. To get started pondering what needs to change, ask yourself: What do I need to leave behind? Here are my thoughts on the things everyone could benefit from ditching in the new year: 1. Focusing on the negative about your love life: This will bring nothing but more negativity to your dating/ relationship experience. 2. Holding on to anger from the past: Whether you are carrying around negative feelings toward your ex or your current partner, this is self-sabotage. 3. Clinging to the hope of getting back together with an ex: Don’t hold your breath. If they truly wanted to be with you, they would be with you. 4. Watching your ex’s Insta stories: See # 2. 5. Being unrealistic with your match criteria or having too high of expectations in your relationship: This can keep you single or unhappily coupled for a long, long time. 6. Comparing your love life to that of your parents/siblings/friends/co-workers/exes: You are in competition with no one. And all that glitters isn’t gold, so don’t be fooled by those happily-ever-after social media posts. 7. Ignoring someone you are dating/ in a relationship with because it seems easier than telling the truth: You’ll create a much healthier dynamic if you can learn to get comfortable having uncomfortable conversations. 8. Ghosting: Don't be a coward. Whether you had three dates with someone or spent three years of your life, give them the common courtesy of properly ending the relationship. 9. Expecting the other person to read your mind: Communicate what you want to increase the chances of getting it. No one should have to play guessing games. Out with the old, in with the new, right? I know it is easier said than done, and that is why I am offering a New Year's Special Strategy Session for anyone who is interested in getting a little support along the way. My Strategy Sessions can be life-changing! And when booked before Jan 20, 2020, they are now twenty-percent off. If you are truly ready to make 2020 YOUR year-and to stop saying that every year-click here to learn more and reserve your spot on my calendar today. In the meantime, have a safe and happy New Year's Eve, and best wishes for The Roaring 20s!
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