With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, I figured it was the perfect opportunity for me to help you get your romantic priorities in order. Whether you are as single as a dollar bill, in a long-term relationship, married, or somewhere in between, I personally invite you to check out "A Matchmaker's A-Z Guide to Valentine's Day". So here are a few thoughts on how to love your love life-no matter what your status- just in time for February 14th! Trust me, there's something for everyone here......
A: Always choose "love". The verb. Sometimes loving both yourself and others is more challenging than you anticipated. In fact, that's probably an understatement. Choose love anyway. As Gandhi once said: "Where there is love, there is life". B: Bloomingdales! Specifically, The Valentine's Day Collection of The Carousel at Bloomingdales. Yes, I am a "Bloomies" girl, and I think these gifts would be AMAZING for most anyone. Looking for something a little more cost-effective? Try Barnes & Noble. They always have super-cute Valentine's Day gifts. C: Chocolates! Champagne! Candles! Cards! Candy Hearts! So many things you could bring your Valentine that begin with the letter "C"...... D: Date night, obvs! Whether you are making reservations or making a home-cooked meal for your sweetie: Make it special! If you are ever going to be romantic, be romantic now. E: Exes: Avoid them at all costs! Unless you are single, think they are "the one who got away", and see a miraculous change in their behavior: Stop talking to them. Quit thinking it will work the second, third, or fiftieth time around. If you find this challenging, pick up a copy of my book, How To Get Over Your Ex: A Step By Step Guide To Mend A Broken Heart Italian American Style for the tough love that you need. F: "For me? You shouldn't have." You've got to give love to get love, but don't just give for the sake of getting! Earn some karmic points for your love life by surprising someone you care about with a thoughtful Valentine's Day gift. This holiday isn't just for lovers. Celebrate all the people you care about. G: Galentine's Day: Speaking of which, this is a THING! Ladies are celebrating ladies everywhere---even in the fantastic NYC suburb where I do most of my living, working, loving, and playing. H: Heart-shaped everything. Especially this Open-Heart Necklace by Sincerely Silver. Want one for yourself or a special lady in your life? You can order here and get 15% off with my discounted code, "MTCDMP". Personally, I can never have enough heart shaped necklaces. This one is so simple, elegant, and beautiful. It might just be my favorite! I: Intimacy: Although many people will roll their eyes at the idea of scheduling sex, it is not a bad idea! On Valentine's Day, if you have a partner, its kind of "in the bag", right? Well, sometimes people need convincing. Think the fact that sex is a very efficient calorie-burning activity could convince your partner to get "in the mood"? Check out: Seven different ways you can burn calories during sex--and exactly how many calories you can burn! Make your case! J: Jewelry: Guys, it is likely that your girlfriend or wife can't get enough of this. They don't say that diamonds are a girls best friend for nothing. If you don't want to get her a gift that makes her question your level of interest and ruin your relationship: Put down that electric can opener! You can't go wrong with the jewels. K: Kisses! Nope, not the Hershey's kind. You can either burn sixty-eight calories in an hour or you can eat them. FYI: One Hershey's kiss is twenty-two calories. Also, not a bad idea.... L: LOVE! That's the point of this whole holiday. Love starts with self-love, so don't forget to take care of you. Love is delicious. Fall in it. Stay in it. And if you love someone for God's sakes-TELL THEM! Life is to short, not too. M: Matchmaking! Duh! I always refer to matchmaking as a matchmaker's Christmas, and I get to make extra magic happen this year! I just arranged an incredible Valentine's day date for one of my clients with a girl visiting NYC and enjoying front row seats at Sleeping Beauty-The Ballet on Valentine's Day evening. Maybe you are reading this thinking I'd hate the ballet. Guess what? Its likely I know other singles I could match you with that also hate the ballet! Every lid has a pot. There is no better time than NOW for me to help you find your match. I am offering discounted matchmaking packages-to both men and women-from now throughout the month of February. Email me at [email protected] for more info or apply to my complimentary database here. N: Never give up on your dream for your love life by settling for someone who doesn't love you and/or isn't good enough for you. By the way, if your partner doesn't truly love you he or she will never be good enough. No matter how perfect on paper.... O: Online dating: If you are single, my advice is: Don't rule it out--even if you have tried and failed. I make online dating really fun for my clients. Success starts with an amazing profile and photos. I set my clients up with my photographer for a photo shoot-get them hooked up with makeup and hair- and I even come on the shoot if they are in the NYC area! I write a killer profile-or teach them how to-and even help with creating and editing messages to singles I choose on the sites. There is a better way. You can figure it out for yourself if you try hard enough--or you can hire a professional like me to cut the learning curve for you. Did I mention, I got my very first online dating client married by contacting his now wife-of ten years on Match?! P: Phone. Pick it up and call people for a change. Reach out to an old friend, your mom, your grandparents, or your neighbor just to say hello and tell them you care! Q: Quizzes. Like.... "What type of romantic are you"?" Google some. With or without a partner. They will spark an interesting conversation or make you see yourself in a new light. R: Romantic Roses. Because nothing says Valentine's Day more than a dozen roses! And maybe a cute teddy bear.... That you will subsequently throw in the garbage and shred to pieces when he dumps you..... Ouch. Just kidding! I believe in flowers, teddy bears, and fighting for love! S: Singles events for singles. Spa days for EVERYONE! Put yourself out there--from the dance floor to the massage table. Life is meant to be lived. Luxuriously while you are at it! T: Toast. Champagne, please. Yes, I'd like some champagne to go along with my Valentine's Day nails. But, why don't you go ahead and toast? As I always say: Cheers to love and life! Note: It's better to celebrate things that happen in the romance department when they happen--instead of bitching to your friends about how they won't happen, aren't happening, will never happen, etc. Be conscious of the way that you speak. Negativity breeds negativity. Keep your word positive and watch yourself attract all the positive things that you desire. U: Unexpected Bouquets: It's nice to get flowers when you weren't expecting them--especially when they are from someone you actually like! Ladies, if there is a guy you are crushing on-who, say, works in your office-that hasn't quite made the move you wanted him to, don't be afraid to bring back the oldest trick in the book. Yup, you can send yourself flowers. Signed, Secret Admirer. Nothing like a little friendly competition to make a man chase you. Even one of my favorite matchmaker colleagues suggests this! V: Vacation: The couple that stays together plays together! Go somewhere fun with your partner--even if it is just a quick weekend getaway. If you are single, use travel as a way to meet men. Business travel and conferences can be a great (tax-deductible) excuse. Last week, I was in Del Ray speaking at the iDate Dating Industry Conference and networking with some pretty impressive people. I can't tell you how many men I met, just out and about in my travels. Hint: Sitting at the sushi bar in a hotspot works REALLY well! W: Wine & Dine: 'Enough said. X: "Xrtra" Valentine's Day Love For You: Check out a video I recently filmed on my top tips to may lasting love flow in your life. It is part of The Love Virtual Summit, launching Feb 12-14th. Signups are still open and free for the first 100 people. This could just be the extra support you need to be able to find and keep the love you want. Y: You know what your heart wants. Listen to your heart and your head. Z: Zoom, Skye, FaceTime, WhatsApp, Facebook: Want to do a video or audio call with me to see if I can help you achieve those romantic priorities this Valentine's Day? I do complimentary consultations with all who are serious about hiring a coach or matchmaker. Book one here. If my A-Z Guide To Valentine's Day really resonated with you--then it is likely I am the person for you---to help you along the way in your journey of love and life. Happy Valentine's Day!
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