![]() Not to creep you out or anything, but there is someone out there who would love to stalk the **** out of you-- on all forms of social media as well as in everyday life and in their dreams. There's someone who wants to know everything about you and what makes you tick. Someone who would love to make you and your message their new religion. Someone who would be pleased as punch to jump up and down and do cartwheels over the very thought of you being born into this world. There's even someone out there who wants to dress up with you in flapper outfits and top hats to take cheesy black and white photos on the boardwalk at the Jersey Shore. Come on, ya know ya'll have those Old Time Photos hanging up somewhere.... Whether there's someone out there who wants to date you and marry you, read all of your newsletters, or give you money to help them do whatever it is you are good at doing, there is someone who wants exactly what YOU have to offer. In any of these scenarios, the common thread is that the key to you feeling content and successful is for you to (drum roll, please) find your peeps. YOUR peeps. Not your mom's peeps. Not your brother's peeps. Not my peeps. Though my peeps are really cool and fabulous. Sorry.You can't have them. You need to find the peeps who think you are DA BOMB DIGGITY. Ya know, the type who think you can do no wrong even when you do wrong. What I am getting at here is that whether you want success in love or in your professional life, you need to put yourself in front of the people who are likely to give you what you want. This sounds so painfully obvious, but it's nooooooot for a lot of people. There are too many of us out there who have no idea what and who we really want. Some wise person said: "We spend our lives doing things we hate to get money we don't need to buy things we don't want to impress people we can't stand." That's a pretty sad existence, huh? Personally, its not how I roll. I am in more of a Make-Art- Make-Money-State-Of-Mind that has led me to do things I love. FYI: If you want to learn how I got there, you can check out my recent "Art of Relationships" episode of David Karge's Podcast. Its complete with relationship advice and lots more on dating coaching, professional matchmaking, and my current gig inspiring entrepreneurs to become matchmakers through Matchmaking Institute. Also, I don't associate with people I dislike. But that's MY story. Cliff Notes version here. So, what about you? Are you NOT putting yourself in front of the right people to create the right opportunities in love and business? And, if so, why not? You can feel free to email me your response at [email protected], but in the meantime, let me offer you a solution: Make like Nike and JUST DO IT. Seriously, put yourself out there. If you are in NYC like me, there are soooo many ways to meet network for business and romantic relationships. One really cool company that hosts singles events that I can't recommend enough isUnderground Unattached. They have an event on August 20th that could surely help you find your peeps. And if your peeps are The Chosen Peeps..... Well, you can attend their Jewish event on August 27th. If you don't like those suggestions, go to a BNI meeting or something! Or better yet come up with your own plan to find your peeps! The truth is, you never know when you'll meet that someone who could change your life forever. PS: Think I'm DA BOMB DIGGITY? Be kind and share this blog post on your social media sites.
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