Welcome to a non-bullshit community for singles and couples who don't want to settle in their love lives. This blog is for the brave souls who want to create their own version of happily-ever-after. (And tell all the haters to shut it!) Anyone and everyone who strives to always be in love with their love life is invited here for a shot of truth, chased with a couple ounces of courage. Comments are always welcomed, unless they are totally ignorant. (In that case, just go away.) It's not my first time at this blogging rodeo. But this blog will be different--and arguably more unique than any other dating expert's blog that you've ever seen! Probably because I will tell the truth--the whole truth and nothing but the truth. With a two post minimum each week, I'll give you a generous glimpse into both the professional and personal life of a bonafide dating and relationship expert. Subsequent to this post you've just witnessed, I won't be writing in the third person either. #AintNobodyGotTimeForThat. Speaking of which, you might be a little curious of my life story, my qualifications, or the new reasons why people are single that I discover every day. So, I'll give you the Cliff Notes. No hashtags included. How It All Went Down: Just Like History Class--But With Pink Feathers 1983: Born. Fashionably late.
1990: Chops off Barbie's hair and creates own version of LookBook. 1994: Unknowingly masters the art of foreshadowing by singing "Stupid Cupid" at D.A.R.E graduation. 2000: Mesmerizes teenage boys in blonde wig + push-up bra as Audrey in high school version of Little Shop of Horrors. 2005: Discovers 101 reasons to blame parents for all life difficulties before graduating with a bachelor's degree in Psychology from Rutgers University. 2006: Strikes gold on Craigslist (before Craigslist got creepy) by replying to ad for "unique social work opportunity". Gets hired as professional matchmaker for online matchmaking startup. Makes friends jealous and father worry. 2006-2009: Continues to work as matchmaker, now for people you've seen on reality TV who invite me to attend glam premiere parties. Starts own freelance business, adding "dating coach" to resume. Gets master's degree in Marriage & Family Therapy at Iona College. Clocks in over 1,000 hours as a therapist for individuals, couples, and families at various internships. Learns why it isn't all my parent's fault. 2010: Gets freelance client married by ghostwriting his online dating profile and messages to his now-wife. Attends wedding with guy I'm in a non-relationship-relationship with. Reaches career turning point when called a "loose cannon" and "free bird" by Marriage & Family Therapy Supervisor. Decides maybe I don't want to be a therapist after all. 2010: Becomes Ms. NY of international reality dating blog, 3six5dates. com. Goes on 92 dates in one year and blogs about them. Emerges single. And in need of a dating detox. 2011: Gets heart broken. Blah. Manages to publish first book, A FabJob Guide To Become A Matchmaker, turn biz into a proper LLC, and make several career advancements that can't be fully enjoyed. Even hosts a couple episodes of a show on Wedding Podcast Network. Sigh. 2012: Adds image consulting service to biz and flies to Chicago to tell single moms not to wear "mom jeans" on WGN Morning News. Hones organizational skills as Maid of Honor for sister's wedding. Gives a kick @ss speech on wedding day. Gets certified as an Intentional Relationship Coach. 2013: Continues to be considered for a plethora of reality TV shows. Gets excited by the possibility of being cast for one that doesn't require selling out. (At press time: Still waiting.) 2014: Adds new gig as TA of matchmaking course at International Association of Professions Career College and picks up speaking engagements at Off Broadway shows. Completes the long and challenging journey of writing + publishing second book, How To Get Over Your Ex: A Step By Step Guide To Mend A Broken Heart Italian American Style. Makes fun of stunad exes. Celebrates with pasta and Prosecco.
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